Train & Generate Discussion with BOB!
has been used by many different groups not just to entertain, but also
to educate, raise awareness, and advocate for the mentally ill and
their families.
BOB has been presented at:
- Teachers College - Columbia University
- The Guggenheim Museum
- Fordham University
- Cardinal Cushing Center
- Growthways
- St. Malachy's/The Actors' Chapel
- VSA Massachusetts
- VSA arts Rhode Island
- Fountain House
- NAMI - West Central Indiana
- Future Child Advocates of America
- Sibling relationships
- Parental guilt
- Domestic violence
- Dual diagnosis
- Assimilation and family life
- Institutions and group homes
BOB received rave reviews from critics in Rhode Island and New York City and won the 2013 Broadway World RI awards for Best Director, Best Actress, and Best Production.
BOB can make a difference for your staff, your clients, and your community.
For more information, please contact:
Keith Herron
718 768 4456
When mental illness comes home, the whole family has special needs.